Skilling of waiting mothers at BCH kicks off

skilling waiting mothers

It not only aims at the continuous health education these pregnant mothers have been getting during their stay at the WMH but also equipping them with various skills that brings opportunities and income generation.

A trainer has been hired and engages these mothers in activities such as tailoring, weaving, and knitting. The first group of 15 mothers has produced Baby dresses and napkins, and hopes to make more products including re-usable sanitary pads, baby blankets and clothes, baskets, and other handcraft materials.

These products will not only be sold in the local markets but also availed to tourists at different partner lodge gift shops.

On average, the WMH registers 100 mothers per month. A recent survey conducted by the hospital shows that the majority of these mothers have risky pregnancies that call for close monitoring.

The majority stay at the hospital for at least three weeks before giving birth. This stay has a financial impact on their families since these mothers in most cases are the breadwinners

This initiative empowers these mothers to be more productive even after they have left the hospital.