

Bwindi Community Hospital welcomes volunteers to come and share their skills with our staff and for medical and nursing students to learn. We are dedicated to sustainability, and to recruiting and retaining the highest quality health workers in Uganda, and for this reason we fill as many of these positions as possible with Ugandans.

Perinatal conditions are the leading cause for admissions in our child health unit. We have an urgent need for a Neonatologist to help in the capacity building of the nurses caring for neonates and premature children in our unit. We welcome applications from overseas medical/nursing/midwifery/laboratory workers/ IT technicians (Programmers) and students who are interested in volunteering with us.

Volunteers experience

Hannah volunteered her 5 months on the Pediatric ward. During her stay at Bwindi, she worked alongside her Ugandan colleagues on the Children's ward providing clinical support as well as helping to facilitate quality improvement projects and teaching. Her interest in neonatal care in Uganda helped improve the levels of observation of inpatients in the Pediatric ward. She particularly contributed to the Confidential Inquiry into Child and Maternal Deaths, an ongoing research project at the hospital.The Confidential inquiry research seeks to discover the key factors involved in maternal and under-five child deaths in the three sub-counties served by Bwindi Community Hospital. Once analysis of the data has been completed, the research team partners with communities with high mortality rates to find ways to reduce future maternal deaths locally.

Dr Hannah was here as a 'Global Links' volunteer, a program of the Royal College of Pediatrics in the UK. When asked about her experience at BCH Hannah said "I've had such a warm welcome to the hospital and I am very grateful for having worked alongside the team here for the next few months. I'm very impressed by what I have seen. I was able to engage in the sports and enjoyed weekend the nature walks during the evenings and weekend. If you want to find out more please feel free to contact her on hannahspiers@gmail.com.Please email us at bchcvolunteering@gmail.com to inquire about volunteering here at Bwindi Community Hospital.

Bwindi Community Hospital Volunteer application form

Name *
Date of Application *
Date of Birth *
Sex *
Physical address*
Telephone *
Email *
Allergies/Health Conditions *

Next of Kins Name*
Type of Relationship *
Physical Address *
Telephone *
Email Address *
Name of organisation*
Telephone *
Physical Address *
Expected Date of Arrival *
Expected Date of Departure *
Area of Specialisation*
Qualifications *
Experience (If Applicable)
Have You ever been convicted of a felony?*
If yes, Explain.
Reference 1 (Include Contact Information)
Reference 2 (Include Contact Information)
Reference 3 (Include Contact Information)
Comments (Feel free to Send us Comments)


1. Download the Offline Volunteer Form from here

2. Fill out the form.

3. Submit the completed form as an attachment to bchcvolunteering@gmail.com bwindicommunityhospital@gmail@gmail.com

4. Incase of any challenges, contact cit@bwindihospital.com

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